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Book more meetings with our power and parallel dialer

What's included

Power/Parallel Dialer


Ability to call upwards of 4 prospects at the same time



Data to make the best decisions for your team

Outreach/SalesLoft Integration

Well thought out integrations that pushes the correct data

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Quack could be an absolute game-changer for Metomic's sales' team. Once individual cadences are set up accurately, quack will give each of us to 2x our number of dials made (at least) every day, helping reduce the fatigue and fear of moving from one "call now" to the next, one quack starts dialling you just have to weather the storm of silence before someone eventually picks up. I wouldn't be surprised if Quack leads to a doubling of SDRs' ultimate meetings booked.

Kianna, SDR at Metomic